by tinaganguly | Feb 17, 2021 | Contest, Honorable mentions
She sat in velvet sadness by Toni Dumais She sat in velvet sadness, comforted and persistent to lay basked in the dark layers of righteous melancholy, where she undresses her deformity to be splayed out, and picked through. This is wrong, that is wrong. What is... by tinaganguly | Feb 17, 2021 | Contest, Honorable mentions
In The Dark by Kaja Jean I. we rested on our backs, absorbing what was left of the day’s sun through the rock at the top of a hill on salt spring island. the balmy pinks had melted into a velvety indigo, and you took your large wrinkled hand, skin thick from a... by tinaganguly | Feb 17, 2021 | Contest, Honorable mentions
How are you today? By Wen Zhai What am I supposed to say I’m not Ok but it’s too long a story it can’t be finished in one say I won’t be able to start before you mindlessly walk away What can I say I’m irritated How can you play with personal feelings like that... by tinaganguly | Feb 1, 2021 | Contest
You’re So Quiet By Andie Bjornsfelt 8:05 PM. On my IPhone, displayed a photo of me, picked meticulously out of over 150 near identical on my camera roll. Me, Metallica shirt, reddened matte lips, lash line coated coal. The filter I ended up going with was a... by tinaganguly | Feb 1, 2021 | Contest
Notes from an Immigrant Part 1 By Beatriz Mascarenhas de A. Costa One time I went to Disneyland and they asked me where I live. I blanked. I ask myself what does “home” mean? If home is where I am from or home is where I am me or if home it’s even a place. A...